32 Penniman Point Road Quogue, NY 11959
sold | shingle-style | Built in 1990
- Annual Tax: $28,036.00
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32 Penniman Point Road Quogue, NY 11959
sold | shingle-style | Built in 1990
- Annual Tax: $28,036.00
The Details
About 32 Penniman Point Road, Quogue, NY 11959
key features
Though the number of residents hovers around a mere 1,000 in Quogue’s five square miles, this shoreside village is among the more esteemed spots on the South Fork. Surfers, literary folks, and lovers of historic homes will find much to enjoy among the endless dunes and tall grasses. More than anything, however, Quogue offers what can sometimes be fleeting among the Hamptons’ bustle: peace and quiet. Quogue has remained subdued even after rapidly accelerating to summer resort status in the mid-to-late 19th century. It is “the Hampton that time forgot,” as Tony-winning playwright, Oscar-nominated screenwriter, and longtime resident Arthur Laurents once put it. There is perhaps no better location on the East End to take a notepad out to the dunes and start crafting the Great American Novel. Just remember to strip off your wetsuit first.
Sales History for 32 Penniman Point Road
date | price | listing status |
03/25/2020 | $5,100,000 | Sold |