10607 Knox Farm Road Charlotte, NC 28278
in contract | Single Family | Built in 1985
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10607 Knox Farm Road Charlotte, NC 28278
in contract | Single Family | Built in 1985
The Details
About 10607 Knox Farm Road, Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC 28278
key features
Lake Wylie
Nestled on a scenic peninsula southwest of Charlotte, Lake Wylie is a community in York County, South Carolina, named (unsurprisingly) for the capacious inland water body it surrounds. This scenic manmade lake dates to 1904, when a predecessor to modern-day Duke Energy built a dam and power plant near India Hook, SC, creating it as a consequence. Originally called Lake Catawba, it was subsequently renamed to honor Dr. W. Gil Wylie, a hydroelectric pioneer who conceived the vision to harness clean energy from the Catawba River as it rushed through the Piedmont Crescent from its distant source in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Today, Lake Wylie and its waters are a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, who come to enjoy boating, fishing, and the countless other recreational opportunities it offers. You’ll find a variety of housing options, from lakefront cabins and upscale single-family homes to turnkey condos and townhouses.