CR-BLN Grand Cul de Sac Saint-Barthélemy, BL 97133
for sale | Single Family Detached
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CR-BLN Grand Cul de Sac Saint-Barthélemy, BL 97133
for sale | Single Family Detached
The Details
About CR-BLN Grand Cul de Sac, Saint-Barthélemy, BL 97133
Villa Borderline
key features
Grand Cul de Sac
Grand Cul de Sac is one of the longer and more developed beaches in St. Barths and its gentle nature makes it a favorite for anybody seeking a relaxing stretch of water and sand. Thanks to Grand Cul de Sac’s location on the northeast coast and its reef barrier, the waters are calm and the waves are small. Due to the geography of the lagoon, the water at this beach is shallow for a long stretch, allowing beachcombers to walk far into the water, while still touching the sandy ground. Grand Cul de Sac is also a favorite hang-out for sea turtles, who will swim alongside you in the warm waters. Kiteboarding, windsurfing, and snorkeling are other popular activities here. Plus, there are numerous hotels and restaurants that encircle the beach, with offerings ranging from casual to sophisticated, almost all with beachfront seating.