Villa CR-GDN Petit Cul de Sac Saint-Barthélemy, 97133
for sale | Single Family Detached | Built in 2016
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Villa CR-GDN Petit Cul de Sac Saint-Barthélemy, 97133
for sale | Single Family Detached | Built in 2016
The Details
About Villa CR-GDN Petit Cul de Sac, Saint-Barthélemy, 97133
Villa Good News
key features
Petit Cul de Sac
Petit Cul de Sac is a rarely visited beach in St. Barths, due to its remote location and difficult access. But for the intrepid beach explorers who are brave and hardy enough to hike down to the water and past the stretch of flat beach, you’ll be rewarded with the truly magnificent natural tidal pools. The natural pools are so well hidden behind the rocks that even many locals don’t know how to reach them. Those who make it to the natural pools earn a well-deserved dive into an unspoiled treasure. The pools, constantly fed by the surf, have a panoramic view of the ocean. Jump of the cliff edges into the deep turquoise waters, surrounded by crags of limestone and volcanic rock for an adventure that’s truly unique. This is an Instagram-bait spot that is even more fabulous in real life than any photo could ever show.