705 Winton Court Destin, FL 32541
rented | RENTAL | Built in 1979
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705 Winton Court Destin, FL 32541
rented | RENTAL | Built in 1979
The Details
About 705 Winton Court, Destin, Okaloosa, FL 32541
The sand in Destin is so spectacular that you don’t even have to go there to experience it — it’s been dredged up to whiten beaches all over the Gulf Coast. And while the sand is the star, Destin is the full package when it comes to beach town life. It’s not organically quaint or over-engineered like some resorts; rather, it’s just a great big celebration of what it means to enjoy Florida in the sun. It has all the conveniences of any medium-sized American city but adds a layer of pastel-colored fun to entice tourists from sunup until nearly sunup the following day. Destin is surprisingly family-friendly for residents as well as tourists — and we’re not talking only about mini golf and waterslides. There’s a lot more to the natural environment than just the blue skies and legendary sand if you know where to look, and when the tourists leave, Destin really sparkles. Locals still call it a “fishing village,” and with good reason.