119 Sandune Court Sagaponack, NY 11962
sold | modern | Built in 1980
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119 Sandune Court Sagaponack, NY 11962
sold | modern | Built in 1980
The Details
About 119 Sandune Court, Sagaponack, NY 11962
Sagaponack South Modern With Deeded Ocean Access
key features
Small dimensions meet extra-large desire in extravagantly rustic Sagaponack. Despite covering less than five square miles, the village is one of the region’s most enticing, a fact reflected in a laundry list of notable neighbors past and present — writers, business magnates, musicians — that would assemble quite the dinner party roster. Potato fields used to abound across the landscape. These days, the rich soil instead gives rise to the most ornate of estates. In particular, mansions defying the imagination line Daniels Lane and overlook the serene, impeccable oceanfronts at Sagg Main Beach and Gibson Beach. Farmhouses and more traditional-style — though undoubtedly no less impressive — Hamptons homes are tucked back from the tree-lined streets on the likes of Hedges Lane and Parsonage Lane. Even though it only occupies a relatively tiny piece of the Hamptons, Sagaponack’s outsized status exemplifies why the East End is unlike anyplace else.
Sales History for 119 Sandune Court
date | price | listing status |
08/06/2020 | $4,500,000 | Sold |