123 W Bald Head Bald Head Island, NC 28461
sold | Single Family | Built in 2001
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123 W Bald Head Bald Head Island, NC 28461
sold | Single Family | Built in 2001
The Details
About 123 W Bald Head, Bald Head Island, Brunswick, NC 28461
Bald Head Island
Bald Head Island is the southernmost of North Carolina’s cape islands and a truly unusual place to live. Bald Head Island is only accessible by boat — whether by private boat or passenger ferry — and no cars are allowed. (A ferry ticket includes a tram ride that will get you from the ferry terminal to home.) There are only about 250 full-time residents on the island, and everyone gets around on foot, on bike, or by electric golf carts. You also won’t find any chain restaurants or shops here, though there is a full-service supermarket, a general store, two country clubs, and a smattering of restaurants. The vast majority — or 10,000 acres — of this 12,000-acre subtropical island are protected as beach, marsh, and maritime forest preserves. The island is also home to the state’s oldest lighthouse, Old Baldy, a beloved icon for residents.