201 Longview Avenue, 304 Celebration, FL 34747
sold | Condo | Built in 2002
- Annual Tax: $3,376.00
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201 Longview Avenue, 304 Celebration, FL 34747
sold | Condo | Built in 2002
- Annual Tax: $3,376.00
The Details
About 201 Longview Avenue, 304, Celebration, Osceola, FL 34747
Celebration was founded by Disney back in the 1990s, as sort of a picket-fence EPCOT — a city of tomorrow built on theories of New Urbanism. It’s an idealized community where everything you’d need is nearby and happens to be housed in a building designed by a super-famous architect. Residents get around along wide bike paths or take casual strolls through picturesque parks or along the ubiquitous sidewalks. Though Disney is no longer involved, Celebration is close enough to the parks that it’s something of a destination itself. That sense of community is important here, and the town is kept clean and manicured. Celebration has a full slate of activities such as weekly farmers' markets and monthly art strolls, as well as bigger events — celebrations, if you will — throughout the year.