39 West 23rd Street, 18A Flatiron House, Flatiron, Manhattan, NY 10010
sold | Condo | Built in 2022
- Maintenance/Common Charges: $2,844
- Monthly Taxes: $3,152
- 10% Down: $545,000
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39 West 23rd Street, 18A Flatiron House, Flatiron, Manhattan, NY 10010
sold | Condo | Built in 2022
- Maintenance/Common Charges: $2,844
- Monthly Taxes: $3,152
- 10% Down: $545,000
The Details
About 39 West 23rd Street, 18A, Flatiron House, Flatiron, Manhattan, NY 10010
key features
Even though the formal designation of the Flatiron District only dates to the mid-1980s, its namesake building has been a fixture for far longer. The distinctively triangular Flatiron Building rises above the area, an unmistakable landmark and indelible icon of NYC architecture. It stands as one of this city’s oldest skyscrapers and, though it may seem diminutive by today’s standards, was the tallest building in the world for a brief period following its c.1909 construction. However, don’t reduce the neighborhood to simply one structure. While various industries used to define it — namely toy manufacturing and photography — present-day Flatiron is bustling with restaurants and shopping, and the residents living there in Beaux-Arts, Neo-Renaissance, and Romanesque Revival apartment and loft buildings. Madison Square Park provides that leafy green peace everyone desires their neighborhood to have — finding a patch of grass to relax on after a long day cannot be underrated.
about the building
Flatiron House
Apartment Building in Flatiron
Fifth Avenue And Sixth Avenue
- 44 UNITS
- 2022 BUILT