580 Sterling Place, 1B Sterling Green, Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11238
sold | Condo | Built in 2010
- Maintenance/Common Charges: $433
- Monthly Taxes: $202
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580 Sterling Place, 1B Sterling Green, Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11238
sold | Condo | Built in 2010
- Maintenance/Common Charges: $433
- Monthly Taxes: $202
The Details
About 580 Sterling Place, 1B, Sterling Green, Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11238
key features
Crown Heights
To the east of Brooklyn’s most vibrant natural environment awaits one of its equally vital urban ones. In a way that only New York City can, the blossoming flowers of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden give way to the alluring architecture of Crown Heights. Reflecting years of changes in design preferences, Crown Heights is home to Renaissance Revival apartment buildings, neo-Federal rowhouses, Tudor-inspired freestanding houses, and about everything in between. There’s a certain unity to the variety, which can also be said about the diverse community that lives here and the ever-growing number of culinary offerings. The area may seem quite deep in the heart of Central Brooklyn, but Crown Heights is perhaps as well-served by public transportation as any neighborhood across the five boroughs. Multiple stops on several subway lines can connect you all across Brooklyn and up to the farthest reaches of Manhattan.
about the building
Sterling Green
Apartment Building in Crown Heights
Classon Avenue And Franklin Avenue Shuttle Line
- 2010 BUILT